Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Town Hall 9 Base Layout

For killing hogs and stuff
Level 9 has been a very awkward town hall level. You've got access to some really powerful attacks (see hogs!) and you get xbows, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to stop getting 3-starred by hog attacks.

Well not anymore baby!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Setting up your War Base

Come at me!
At the time of this writing, setting up your war base is extremely non-intuitive and generally is a pain. I expect that they'll patch this (eventually) but for now we're stuck with the current system.

Here are a few things you should know about setting up your war base.

A lowbie's guide to attacking

Found here, thanks Chief dimark03! 

It details pictorially how to run low level attacks.

Do you even Hog!?

3 stars, every time
Hogs! are probably the most broken army in the game right now. Here's hoping it stays that way.

Which clan castle troops do you want defending in clan wars? We report and decide

Don't ever use most of us!
In which I make a list of every troop ever in CoC and put one bullet under them saying pro: and one saying con: but then get tired of doing that towards the very end and just put short phrases like "same as above" or "no".

Don't want to read that? Neither do I.

What to do with your town hall in clan wars

how2play lol!
If you're like a lot of clash players out there you have a Town Hall. Until clan wars started it really only served one purpose:

A Pro's Guide to Attacking in Clan Wars

I'm made of pink goo!
I think you've all experience it before, the horror of having your attacking troops 1-shot by a stack of wizards who popped out from the clan castle. I mean what the *#$& I even dropped a healing potion and they still all died in 1 hit, this game is so broken! 

Use this simple trick to not suck at attacking and crying when you keep getting 0 or 1 stars and everyone on your clan starts making fun of you and you just wish that you weren't really that bad but you can't help it and sometimes you just want to throw Clash out the window but then who will take care of your precious base?

A Noob's Guide to Clan Wars Base Defense

OMG: Am I noob?

I've seen a lot (like at least 4) people in clan wars who are noobs. I don't they really mean to be, they just... are.

As a noob (or indeed anyone really) there are just a couple things you have to do to make your clan wars defense impenetrable to someone of equal or lower level:

The most important building in clan wars is...

the Clan Castle! On both offense and defense as I will demonstrate below.

Why is it important?

Clan Wars Updates

I'm stuck in an airport with nothing else to do so I think I'll write a few articles about tricks and tips for Clash of Clans Clan Wars!